Monday, October 17, 2011

Hey there!
Finally i have some free time and mood to scribble something.
Couple of words on the series i just uploaded.

A long time ago i made illustrations for books. I really missed that, especially the ones for kids. From that came the idea to unearth Pea. She's an old friend with who i experimented years back, now redesigned and new.And the tomcat somehow came along recently.

You can see the effects of it all and propably will for some time, as those two are close to me and give me a lot of joy. I hope you'll like them too.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's time for summer cleaning!

Oh yes... I decided some time ago to try and find some free time
to tidy up and show more stuff in my portfolio.
And so the first section - the one closest to my heart - finally works!
Whew... ;) You'll have to wait a bit for the rest :>

Sunday, June 5, 2011


It's finally done!
Jetboy, a very funny, four pages story done in cooperation
with Steve LeCouilliard. Get yours in Dutch reprint magazine P@per.
Alongside Thierry Martin and a bunch of other great Franco-Belgian cartoonists :D

Monday, March 21, 2011

CRUNCH DOG is coming!

Nie wszystko jeszcze dopięte na ostatni guzik, ale już w ruchu uff.. ;)
Dobrej zabawy! :)

Not everything is done yet, but it's on the move.
Have good time! :)